Q. How would you define Philanthropic Journalism and how can general public know or understand it?
Generally Philanthropic Journalism is typography of Journalism which directly lays it's positive effect upon the public. If anyone asked you then you directly would say Journalism is a Public service. But we never make an analysis about whether the contents disseminated by media nowadays are for public welfare or not. Media nowadays always disseminate contents about reshuffle in government, internal political division and conflict, murder, destruction and demolition and hereby claims that they are/ we are providing service to public. Therefore we should try to come out from the wetland of falsehood and should modify our mind with the quotation "Good News can be Great News" rather than "Bad News is Good News". We should conceive this concept from core of our logistical organs and transform ourselves. The main aim of Philanthropic Journalism also is "Good News Can Be Great News". If we can give a good place to positive, developmental and inspiring news materials it can set milestone in the history of Journalism.
Q. Can you explain me about the Historical development of Philanthropic Journalism here in Nepal?
I am the pioneer of Nepali term of Philanthropic Journalism i.e. Paropakari Patrakarita in Nepal and I am actively advocating in favor of it. Philanthropic Journalism and Development Journalism is conceived and understood as like terms but the area of coverage by Philanthropic Journalism is quite broad and expanded than the other and indeed it is a step forward. We can be clear about the sense and notion of Philanthropic Journalism by taking instance of a demolished school in the remote area of Mugu district in Nepal. Through the perspective of development journalism a development news reporter takes the snap of demolished structure, writes the news about the hardships faced by students there along with their statistics. It is expected that the responsible body will know the gruesome condition there and are pressurized to take the action. Philanthropic journalism is alike to Development Journalism but it's quite weighty and posses some more steps. It also gives the same message to people with description about who then can contact when they want to extend their hands of help. In the end of the news story or the report contact address or details of Principle of particular school or the in charge is given. There are ample of groups, organizations and personals who don't hesitate in spending money for the renovation or the reconstruction of school's building which indeed would benefit hundreds of students. The present trend of mainstream journalism is associated with politics and economics but the strong essence of development journalism was felt and people got attracted towards it. Going beyond the limits of Development journalistic notions and its nature with some distinct features of Philanthropy can also be conceived as Philanthropic Journalism.
Q. What incited you to pioneer Philanthropic Journalism?
You go and ask a journalism lecture or someone who is practicing journalism about religion of Journalism then they will give the same answer i.e. Social or Public Service. I am actively involved in field of journalism from long period of time and I experienced that Jornos around the globe are the most influential persons when we compare with a political leader too. A wise use of that overwhelming spirit is the belief which I posses and am advocating from long time.
Q. Can you please explain about the influence of Philanthropic Journalism? Don't you think you are alone who is advocating for it?
When I first started this campaign I was alone. Now the number of people influenced by my new concept is increasing. Columns and essays compiled in my book Khana Pugos, Dina Pugos are some of the example of Philanthropic Journalism. While I have been advocating alone for the Philanthropic Journalism the number of people following have increased spontaneously. We need to increase it's influence because there is political, sports, economics and crime journalism but the main essence of journalism lies in Philanthropic Journalism. As there are many beats and reporters are allocated to cover the specific news events every news organizations should appoint reporter for philanthropic news events coverage.
Q. Journalist's are undergoing various problems nowadays. Do you think Philanthropic Journalism is possible to be practiced in Nepal?
Federation of Nepalese Journalists and other organizations are raising voice for the justice and resolving the problems faced by Nepalese Journalists. Despite the problems and crisis in the field of journalism there are various beats like Crime, Entertainment, Sports, environment and many more there is no doubt that the Philanthropic Journalism cannot come into existence or cannot be practiced.
Q. What is the response of Philanthropic Journalism in Nepal?
This new era of journalism is spreading its' influence among the public. Number of people personally and in group is supporting this journalism. I also have witnessed changes in people's life by the influence of my facebook status and other articles. Because of my writing over the good deeds of people or organization they are getting more help and are benefitted. I feel glad to know about it all.
Q. The main objective of Journalism is to disseminate information not to do social or public service. How would you justify it?
Many people say Journalism is not associated with social service time and again but journalism indeed is social service. People have confined Social Service in the boundary of economic assistance which gives a creepy idea of Social Service through journalism. If we understand journalism as a tool or means of increasing emotional attachment, garnishing mutual understanding, bring positive changes in the society, feel the pain of others then we easily can understand that journalism is social service.
Q. You are going apart from the main stream of journalism. Doesn't it give the essence that you are in an attempt to enter into politics and it is the base or platform?
Someone who don't do any good deeds and is involved in politics then s/he is not intervened but when a person makes an attempt to do something good and enters politics would be questioned. I strongly oppose this thinking. Now I am not claiming that I want to join politics but I want to know the reasons which would bar me from entering the field of politics. If I have made application of Philanthropy for my personal use then I was to be questioned but I personally am practicing philanthropy as well as advocating it. It would be continued whether I would leave journalism and go politics or vice versa.
Q. What are the practices and effects of Philanthropic Journalism in the world?
None of the countries or person has started this sort of journalism giving the name Philanthropic Journalism. But In western countries this term is often used when a person gives some aid and donations to a media organization. In my case it's quite different and it is associated with the nature of journalism not the commerce or trade. Westerners have been using the term Positive Journalism or Development Journalism. These attempts are spread around in pieces and are not found in a combined form because of which they are not able to rise. I always am and have been stressing to bring the Positive, Development and Philanthropic Journalism to the main stream of Journalism. Despite, It does not mean that we should boycott Economics, Politics, Sports, Environment and other beats of Journalism. These journalistic fields or beats are equally important and Philanthropy can also emerge as a new beat in the field of Journalism. I always would give more importance to equal access and respect to all the fields and beats that are practiced by media.
Q. There always have been discussions about the new force or generation in the country at that time you also have given some of your ideas. How relevant could it be if we suppose all the success you have gained now is to lay the foundation for your political career?
If anyone gets success or makes an attempt to make the overall development of the country through the changes in political and other fields then would there be any problems? A person always should be honest and straight forward, they never should be bribed, never should cheat others and do those activities that would lay negative impact on others. When a person is making an attempt to transform the society and expand it, I don't think it would create a debate. We have constructed 50 schools and 50 Libraries through our philanthropic mission in past 12 years. If a person has same diligence and spirit then s/he can lay a strong influence and impression within 12 years in politics. A person can experience a change from rags to riches as well as from ordinary person to a well celebrated person. Upon my case I haven't announced that I would enter into the field of politics.
Q. Your Public service organization Help Nepal's transparency is sometime questioned over. How would you stand in defense to the allegations?
Some ill stressed people are blaming us and criticizing our work. Along with it many people also have extended their hands to help us. Most important of all we don't go to foreign donors seeking their help and support for our well being. We always have been encouraging one Nepali to help another Nepali who is in dire need of help. This also would not mean that we would not accept the help that is put forward by foreigners or donor organization.
3 days after the April's earthquake we appealed to help us. In first day of our appeal we got 6 million rupees, in 6 weeks we received 60 million rupees as aid or donations. If people have doubted on us and our organization would they ever provide us the donation? Would we have been able to receive such a big amount? People who have negative intentions are smaller in size; they are narrowed in terms of number. Along with their narrowed number their mentality also is narrowed but it does not mean we need not to be transparent. We can thereby claim that we are transparent. We always are disclosing our annual audit report in our website. If someone doesn't have trust upon our audit report and work they can visit our organizations office in Chabahil and check the papers page by page. Our mentality always has been negative. When a person makes an attempt to do something good for the society or country s/he is asked to produce certificate of innocence and strong determination in every step. Good works always are sniffed but the illicit works are never intervened or confronted over. This problem has been hurting us time and again. But we should not loose hopes and never forget that truth never lies and we should have patience inside us.
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